5 Tips To Get Started on Your Closet Cleanse

Posted by on March 9, 2019

1) The Quicky

A closet cleanse can be amazingly therapeutic, but if you don’t have the time to get super deep with it, the quick assessment is a great first step. You know what items can go and you just need a moment to gather them.

When working with my clients, there is often the phrase, “I’m going to fit into/wear this one day”. I love a good inspirational outfit, but if it’s been living in the back of your closet for over 6 months, you’ve probably forgotten about until this moment, right? Might be time to let it go to a new home.

2) Out Of Sight

Not to be confused with the shopping. You are putting clothing and accessories you haven’t been wearing in a bag and placing that bag out of sight. If after two weeks or so you haven’t missed any of the items, you guessed it. They can go.

3) The Gown Games

That beautiful dress/gown you bought for an event and has never been worn again. We all have some really wonderful dresses/gowns/suits that are just sitting in the closet and waiting for someone else to give them a new experience. Why not sell or donate your gently worn item(s)? There are  programs like The Princess Project where you can donate dresses, gowns, and more to girls for prom. Not only are they gaining new life, but you are also helping a young lady feel beautiful.

4) Kondo It

Marie Kondo has truly changed the game and given Professional Organizers some shine (Woo!). That being said, I absolutely agree with her ideology of if an item “brings you joy”. If while looking through your closet you see items you feel “meh” about… Put them in the donation bag. No need to keep that sweater you keep side-eyeing every time you’re looking for a layer.

5) The Catchall Dresser 

Though not technically the closet, it never hurts to do a good look through. By going drawer by drawer, you can see what items can be donated or discarded. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the space you free up by getting rid of old stockings, socks, and undergarments you no longer use.

Do you have a tried and true tip? Drop it in the comments, below! 🙂

  1. Adama
    March 9, 2019

    I play these games sometimes with shoes. I go shopping see a pair and feel like I need it. Wear it one time and it collects dust. I tell myself I’ll wear it again one day. I think donating is a better idea than holding on. Let someone else love it the way you once did.

    • OCbyD
      March 9, 2019

      Agreed! If you aren’t using and the item is still in good condition, no harm in donating it!

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